Monday, March 5, 2012

Republic Polytechnic Defeated Two Good Colleges in Singapore

Republic Polytechnic's Pantun Team; (from left) Nur'Amirah Bte Nur Yahya, Rahimah Bte Sim, Siti Nadhirah Binte Mohamad Zaini and Muhammad Irsyad Bin Ishak

What seemed like an impossible competition against the opponents, are now just minions. 

Republic Polytechnic defeated Millienia Institute (MI) and Innova Junior College (IJC) in the Semi-finals of Pesta Pantun 2012 that was held on last Saturday, 3rd March 2012. 

All the supporters and contestants were like cats on a hot brick and surplus amount of anxiety engulfed their being. Seconds after what seemed to be hours, the organizer called out,  
"Republic Polytechnic!" Sudden uproar of cheers and screams of euphoria filled the entire auditorium. Hugs were shared and words of congratulations were shared, fostering tighter camaraderie. 

Nevertheless, the true triumph has yet to be achieved. 

RP's MCG will be facing Anderson Junior College and Madrasah Wak Tanjung in the Finals of Pesta Pantun on 11th March 2012. Support our team members by giving them words of encouragement by commenting below or write on our Facebook; Rp Malayculturalgroup. 

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